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 来去匆匆 发表于: 2010-3-9 13:22:39|显示全部楼层



  Q: Some people see the “World Buddhist Forum” in Buddhist circle as an Olympic Game in the world, because it is a Worldly Buddhist Grand Gathering as far as extent and influence of its participation are concerned. What is your opinion on this activity?
  A: Buddhism is one of the religions have the most followers in the world. The spirit this forum advocates is not only related with Buddhist, but will influence the world to some extent. The second World Buddhist Forum will inherit “the New Six Harmony” of its first one: harmony and kind in people’s mind, harmony and happy in families, harmony and gentle in human relationship, harmony and intimateness in society, harmony and concordant in civilizations, harmony and peace in the world. The theme of the second Forum is “harmonious world, union of all conditions”, the main point is the “harmony”. In the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic Game, “harmony” was also its theme. There is coherence between them, which is the essence of Buddhist teaching, and also a best way to appease all the conflicts in the world, hence it is worthy to advocate. I wish with this grand gathering of Buddhist people in the world, this message will be delivered to the whole world.
  Q: Such an extensive worldly grand gathering, its preparing work will be very detailed and heavy. As one of its organizers, what detailed preparing work The Hong Kong Buddhist Association has been done for the second World Buddhist Forum? In all these works, what is the most difficult thing you feel, and what is the most unforgettable thing?
  A: The scale of this Forum is huge and its affairs have to deal with are plentiful and extensive. As one of its organizers, whatever heavy and difficult things are, as long as they are beneficial for this Forum, Buddhism, and the whole world etc, we will do them whole-heartedly unto its perfection.
  Q: Compare to the first World Buddhist Forum, what change do you feel in this time? Does it attain its ideal effect? What are its results and shortages? In your opinion, how to improve those shortages?
  A: The first World Buddhist Forum, there were participants came from about 37 nations or regions. This Forum is based on its first time, I believe, needless to say the number of participated nations or regions, or even the number of its participants, all will be more than its first time. As to this kind of grand gathering of Buddhism circle in the whole world, the more its participants are, the more its discussants are, the more it will be benefited by mutual discussion, the more it has positive effects to benefit creatures and carry forward Buddhist Dharma, and promote worldly harmony.
  Q: These activities will be held in Wuxi of Jiangsu province and Taipei of Taiwan in this time. Please comment what is its significance for the improvement of exchange across the straits?
  A: Chinese Buddhism has a history more than two thousands years, Buddhism has became their common culture for both mainland and Taiwan. This Forum that will be held in Wuxi and Taipei is a kind of “conditions”, is a very good chance to improve the exchange across the straits. “Harmonious society, union of all conditions”, the theme of this time World Buddhist Forum, exactly indicates the historical inevitability. It can be believed that this worldly grand gathering will certainly improve the harmonious development across the straits.
  Q: In the last year just passed, The Hong Kong Buddhist Association carried out many activities of Dharma affairs, culture, charity, and social commonweal. In this coming year, what activities you planed for?
  A: This year is the 10th anniversary of the Buddha’s birthday (April 8 in Lunar Calendar) becoming public holiday in Hong Kong. This holiday is a result of endeavors for decades of all the people in Buddhism circle in Hong Kong. In this day of great historical significance, we will hold celebration Dharma assembly in Hong Kong Gymnasium for three days, and in order to show its magnificence we will also invite performance group to act. In the Tomb-sweeping Day (March 12), we will hold missing relatives Dharma assembly in Tomb-sweeping Day, respectfully invite all those venerable, noble, and Dharma master to repent and chant Sutra for seven days, transferring its merit to the world peace and happiness of everyone. In addition, Buddhist workshop and 615 Healthy Vegetarian Day will be held to promote citizen’s knowledge of Buddhism and popularize benefit of having vegetarian diet to the public.
  Q: In this coming year, for The Hong Kong Buddhist Association as the leading Buddhist group in Hong Kong, how do you plan to exert its guiding role and its function as a bridge between Hong Kong and mainland?
  A: We are living in the same planet, having the same blue sky. We have the same ethnic origin and cultural tradition. We have the right policy direction “two systems within one country, administration of Hong Kong affairs by people of Hong Kong”, it is particularly important that we have same belief, same ideal and sorrowful will which inherited the brilliance of thousands year of Chinese Buddhist culture.
  In the age of high developed information technology, and multi-culture, we need to timely establish profound historical view of Buddhist development, and understand the future of Buddhism generally. We need acute insight to the society we lived and the inclination of world development, and speak out our own voices, establish a model of Buddhism being realized in the world, life, and public, serving the society and public, hence drawing people’s great attention and approval from global religious circle.
  In recent years, with the stable society, opening religious policy, and the wide views to different religions of the government of Hong Kong special region, mainland Buddhism and Hong Kong Buddhism could help each other, support each other, and then let Buddhism reestablishing its image and having its deserved position.
  Buddhism has very deep foundation in Hong Kong, has been well developed in following aspects: carrying forward Buddhist Dharma, education, medical treatment, teenagers, and helping the elders etc. Hong Kong is also an international metropolis, is the meeting point of Eastern and Western culture, and geographically near Eastern Asia, Southeast Asia, and traditionally is the friends of all over the world. In this special predominance, Hong Kong will propel the development of Hong Kong Buddhism, at the same time grasp the chance to communicate the exchange and cooperation with the inland Buddhism, and then exert its role in constructing harmonious society and harmonious world.
  Q: Now economic crisis is happening, many people could not encounter it and even commit suicides. In your opinion, how to further the positive role of Buddhists or believers of Buddhism circle in the development of society and economy?
  A: All sentient beings have afflictions, to relieve them an important saying will be “letting go, getting ease, setting free”. To tell the truth, everything is just “seeking by oneself, seeking in oneself, adjusting by oneself; things will be peaceful”, “contenting with what one have will be always happy”. If one realizes that dependent origination and empty nature of everything, one could face the life with one’s own wisdom. Life and death are inconsistent, and the economic crises are also inconsistent. By realization of the inconsistency, the winter passed, spring will come; the night passed, sunrise will come. The lost is just a little bit, and nothing much, the most important thing is never losing the faith and will. By sowing the good seeds, one reaps the good fruits. The good seeds you sow today, it is certain that next day you will reap the good fruits. Today is the right time to be prepared well enough, and then tomorrow will much better. Buddhism is a very important spiritual resource. When the economic crisis came, by one’s own wisdom, one has the ability to face the change and the crisis. I wish by working together, and working hard, a much more prosperously developed Hong Kong will take place.
  About the Abbot
  Ven. Jueguang was born in Liaoning in 1919. He became a novice monk in 1928, and fully ordained in 1930, later he came to Guanzong Temple for further study. In 1939, he came to Hong Kong, and adopted the doctrines of the Tiantai School, assumed the 46th lineage of the Tiantai School. When the Japanese invaded Hong Kong in 1941, he left Hong Kong, and came back to Hong Kong after the War of Resistance against Japan. He established the Xianghai Zhengjue Lotus Group, and reconstructed Hong Kong Buddhist Association. He has served as the president of Hong Kong Buddhist Association for over ten years, and made prominent contributions, became a famous Buddhist leader in Hong Kong.
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