在芝加哥佛教寺院的当地僧人,及Kudagammana Seelarathana法师用佛教仪式为参加活动的人祈福。所有来自伊利诺斯州的斯里兰卡家庭参加了此次波桑节庆祝活动。
波桑节(Poson Full Moon Day)是为纪念印度阿育王之子摩哂陀长老到斯里兰卡传播佛教而设,于每年公历5月或6月的月圆日被庆祝。(编译:慧心)
Chicago Buddhist Temple and the Sri Lankan Community in Chicago and suburbs of Illinois organized a Poson festival on June 26th at Naperville Unitarian Church.
The celebration included a Perahara (procession), Children's Bhakthi Gee, Adults Bhakthi gee, Poson Dansela and a documentary about Poson festival by Sri Lankan children in Chicago and suburbs.
Resident monk at Chicago Buddhist Temple, Ven Kudagammana Seelarathana blessed the attendees to the event with Buddhist rituals.
Sri Lankan families from all over the state of Illinois participated in the event.